Friday, May 3, 2013

Spontaneous Photo Shoot

Christina had so much fun the other evening taking these pictures.  I had just walked in the back door after chores and both she and Mom exclaimed that I looked like a "picture" with the wild flowers I had picked and my hair down.  Chrissy proceeded to drag me out the door with her camera to take some pics in our neighbors field.  It was fun for me to see her really enjoying the photo shoot, she normally gets frustrated when taking pictures of people as apposed to nature and what not.  She said she had been doing some reading up on how to pose people for pictures and I think that helped a lot with how the photos turned out.  Anyways hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and remember to keep your focus on the things above.

Blessings~ Nancy 


  1. Girl, you are gorgeous. And Chrissy, those are lovely pics. Beautiful. :)

  2. Nancy, you have such natural beauty. And I know Chris looks amazing behind the camera, too. I love you guys. :)

  3. WOW! Go Christina! Maybe she can teach me a few things.:) You looked so pretty, Nancy. Loved it.
